
It seems that the build targets feature I previously wrote about is somewhat more work than I expected, mainly in terms of integration with the Eclipse GUI. With my university classes starting soon, and some work that I’ve been pushing ahead of me throughout GSoC, I am unable to finish this in time.

Therefore, I’ve parked the build target feature in a branch and decided to officially put a stop to this project for the time being. I have updated the EclipseFP web site to reflect the work I did. I also rolled a release that you can pull in using the Eclipse update mechanism. The details are provided on the web site.

I cannot say that I’m fully happy with the results that I achieved. I had hoped to get more mileage out of the integration with Scion, but adding all these features through the Eclipse API turned out to be hairier than I expected. However, I do feel I have made useful contributions on which future work can build.

I would like to thank my mentor, Thomas Schilling a.k.a. nominolo, for his guidance and his work on Scion. I would also like to thank Leif Frenzel, without whom EclipseFP wouldn’t have existed in the first place. And finally, thanks to the folks at Google who made GSoC a reality.

For now, I am forced to other business that I’ve been neglecting for far too long. Does that mean that EclipseFP is going to disappear from the radar again? I think not. There is sufficient interest in Haskell IDEs to keep this project going, and somebody will come along and keep improving upon it. Such is the nature of open source. And that somebody… might actually be me.

Update: it isn’t me after all. Less than a week after I wrote this, JP Moresmau chimed in on the mailing list, reporting some bugs, offering to fix them, then continue from there. He’s now taken over development. If you want to try EclipseFP, I recommend his latest version from here!

13 Responses to “Endgame”

  1. Fedda Says:

    I dont get the console to work, what i did was this:

    1: downloaded ghc and installed
    2: downloaded cabal.exe from http://haskell.org/cabal/download.html
    3: run cabal install scion , from windows command line as adminstrator
    4: Downloaded the eclipse pluign from http://eclipsefp.sf.net/updates
    5: Created a new Haskell projects
    6: Added a haskell implementation in the eclipse ->preferences->haskell->haskell implementation
    (named it ghc and the directori is C:\libs\ghc\bin)
    7: Added the the right path to the scion (C:\libs\ghc\bin\scion-server.exe)
    8: I can not create a new Haskell module because i got the error: Module name is empty.
    9: So i created a new empty file in the project and named it Test.hs and wrote main = print(“Hello world”)
    10: When i try to run the program nothing appens in the console window

    Any suggestion? what is wrong?

    I upload a picture of eclipse: http://rasmus.uib.no/~fth057/img/haskell.png

    • Thomas ten Cate Says:

      Try refreshing the project. An executable should have appeared.

      Maybe the reason is that your code is not valid Haskell. Try the following for starters:

      module Main where
      main = putStrLn “Hello world!”

      and place this in “src/Main.hs”.

  2. drewcalleja Says:

    I have followed the same instructions. I am however getting two problems. There seems to be a problem with compilation (the exe is not being updated) and I don’t get anything in the console. I probably missed some step. Is it possible to ask for a step by step tutorial on how to set it up correctly or a place where the steps are (I can’t find them :( )

    I really appreciate the effort you made on eclipseFP as I sincerely believe that giving an IDE to the community makes it flourish quicker.

  3. Thomas Says:

    Probably JP Moresmau fixed these problems. Try pulling the source from his Github:

    There were some problems on Windows that are also fixed here; could be related.

    • drewcalleja Says:

      Thanks Thomas I’ll try that :)

      • JP Moresmau Says:

        If you use my github source for eclipsefp, you need a patched scion at git://github.com/JPMoresmau/scion.git to be able to generate compile files, exes, etc…

  4. Haskell IDEs on Windows « The Lambda Acolyte Says:

    […] I also asked Thomas ten Cate about EclipseFP2 on his website here and he has replied […]

  5. gamma Says:

    The “Problems”-view stays empty all the time even if there are bugs in the Haskell-sources. If there are no bugs compilation seems to work but the compiler’s output isn’t shown in the “Console” whilst the Haskell-executables’s output is shown there

  6. Grary Says:


    When attempting the “Hello World” project from the help guide ( I find that my installation of EclipseFP 2 differs from the guide’s indications in a few key ways:

    + no bin or out folders in project explorer view
    + when I click on the automatically provided Setup.hs file a mysterious red-boxed-‘x’ error is indicated
    + I am offered only the option of running the project as a GHCi session, and not as an application.

    Basically, I never see the expected “Hello world”.

    Perhaps my preferences are improperly set? For example, I’ve added a ghc location but nothing for HUGS.

    In closing, I might request somewhat more detailed installation instructions for EclipseFP 2 for those, like me, that approach Haskell for maths and not programming ;)


  7. Thomas Says:

    The information on my blog is aging rapidly. Use the instructions on the EclipseFP website instead:


  8. Haskell IDEs on Windows | Andrew Calleja Says:

    […] I also asked Thomas ten Cate about EclipseFP2 on his website here and he has replied […]

  9. Haskell IDEs on Windows | Andrew Calleja Says:

    […] 2. I also asked Thomas ten Cate about EclipseFP2 on his website here and he has replied here. […]

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